on a vanishingly small chance

Dec 11, 2011 18:24

Oh hey, Christmas wishlist meme!

1. Someone to root the NC for me because I keep peering at the directions suspiciously
2. See, if I could draw I'd do this myself, but basically I want DJ Magneto (possibly vs Da Professa Exe) in a purple and magenta sleeveless top and studded bracelets, controlling some insaneballs amount of turntables with his power. I have feels about this. Many feels.
3. Beer.
4. A cat that is my cat and not a roommate cat.
5. I have an Amazon list on top of the LJ page but ehhhhn.
6. All the porno! ALL OF IT.

went to Happy Knits to see if there was still the green I was thinking of knitting a sweater with (their Cascade is all on clearance) -- it wasn't but I got five balls of Brown Bear, which should actually be called Poop Brown, but will make a nice sweater I think. I like brown. Also I have enough weird single skeins of approximately the right weight and fiber kicking around that I think I can make a yoke sweater. It will be awesome, I will steek it, it will provide entertainment for everybody.

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