accepting donations to the 'porn and booze for Meg' fund now

Oct 06, 2011 17:41

So you remember how the day before yesterday I spent two hours soothing a resident through an appointment?

Yesterday I got into work and Medaide was like HAI. I was like ... HAI? and she was like U LIEK APPTS RITE. So I went with another resident to another clinic, only this time I spent two ... wait, two and a half?(we left at 1:15 and I clocked out viciously at like 3:45) walking around with him / using my own foot as a wheelchair brake / being punched in the face in front of the fracture doc because our RN thought he might need a brace for his non-existent fracture, and he likes to truck around in his wheelchair. Backwards, mostly. He kicks like a little turtle. Plus we were done 45 minutes early and even though the guy who brought us in was there and tried to get us home early, he had to take his actual next transport and there I was. It turned out that if I had only gone out the other side of the frankly terrifying Urgent Care there was a cafe, and I could have been drowning my sorrows in hazelnut syrup. I was pissed.

The doctor was like, Why are you here, this looks like arthritis and stroke damage and I said Ow buddy stop rolling over my foot we have to wait a little longer TELL ME ABOUT IT OKAY.

(Our RN ... is not in my good books right now.)

It gets better. Not like 'tomorrow is a better day' better, like COMPLETE FAIL better.

So today we're down a person and they cut hours anyway so we're all rushing around like crazed barnyard fowl and begging each other for help, when I hear someone calling for the medaide. Five minutes later coworker M rushes up to me mysteriously because, wait for it...

....wait for it ....

they wanted me to go to the ER with a resident. She'd just fallen over someone's walker and banged her forehead against her glasses, so she had a beautiful bleeder on her eyebrow. I did not gape at her in blank horror and shriek ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME although if you were Charles Xavier you might have a clearer idea of my internal reaction and possibly also a migraine.

This particular resident is one of those that paces, so from ten fucking thirty am to one fucking forty five pm I was at the hospital alternately telling stupid cat stories to bore her to sleep, making giant circuits of the ER waiting room while she tried to grab random people and ask incoherently if they were okay, and convincing her to stand quietly just for three seconds, honey! while they superglued her eyebrow. (The RN was like, So you should keep her from picking at it, and I just stared at her dully.) Then while we waited for transport back they put us in a quiet room and I sat with my back to the door to keep her from escaping, while saying things like "Boo, can't you just sit down? For five seconds? Please? You are yawning, I know you want to sit down!"

Hand on my heart, I have spent more time in MetroWest vans than I have at my own place of work this week. We went in an actualfax ambulance this morning, though, which was pretty exciting. I've always wanted to ride in one and never been injured bad enough to rate one. Plus she was in good enough shape that I could coo at her distractedly and look around.

I had two transport people and random medical staff tell me I was really good at my job, though, which was pretty nice. (More like "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KEEP SO PATIENT?" actually. ANS: If you get upset they get upset, so it's find the zen place or be fucked.)

Which is say,
templemarker I am working on getting it done but uh.

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dementia, work, rl

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