Jul 06, 2011 04:10
1. Chugging along on Manny fic. I am going to finish it tonight or commit ritual suicide, and I'm all out of knives.
2. So I'm reading a terrible novel by Sherrilyn Kenyon, wherein among other things the hero is, wait for it, a sex genie from ancient Greece. Now obviously if you know me you know I'm totally down for anything in the name of lulz or porno, mostly both. It was like,
BOOK: This dude is from Ancient Greece.
MEG: Okay.
BOOK: He's under a curse.
MEG: Fine.
BOOK: You summon him and get a sex genie for a month.
MEG: Awesome.
BOOK: The heroine is a sex therapist but hasn't gotten laid for four years.
MEG: Sounds good.
BOOK: She gets him for her 29th birthday.
MEG: Best birthday ever, right?
BOOK: His name is Julian.
MEG: ಠ_ಠ
3. Speaking of trolling for shit to read on the Nook, I discovered last night that there is an actual book called The Lustful Turk, as mentioned in Die For Love by Elizabeth Peters. No, I haven't read any more than an excerpt yet, but already it's reminding me strongly of Viewfinder. Only with girls.
Yeah, I'm buying that shit on payday.
(It makes me laugh at how many of the NC17 books are exclusively available as ebooks. "Well, we don't want it in the store because of the small children, but people buy it ...")
Back to the salt mines! o/