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Jun 19, 2011 18:56

1. Meme fill for SOMEONE WHO SHALL REMAIN NAMELESS: The Naming of Cats. No, I did not turn Charles into an actual cat. Yes, I considered it.

2. So tired today OMG.

3. I spent the entire weekend fighting to get the stupid, stupid Nook to be authorized in stupid poopyhead boogerbrain ADE that I have to run in ditto ditto ditto WINE, and gave up. I don't know what Adobe has against *nix or what WINE has against USB media, but their combined stupidity has broken me. I am at the point where breaking DRM is easier and less distasteful than paying money for a book. GOOD JOB, ASSHOLES.

4. Related to item one:
Meg: spell check how the hell did you get 'slipstream' out of 'ulpustroly'
Mer R: what were you trying to spell with that mess of letters
Meg: upholstery
Mer R: lol sure
Meg: if I don't know how to spell something I just make wild stabs at it until spellcheck is like '...this?'
Mer R: haha


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