This week was terrible.

May 12, 2011 16:26

Tomorrow, I am going to go see Thor with Dawn.


Also I have reached the point where nobody except people I read only because it's like a trainwreck are posting in Star Trek fandom, I am once again eight eps behind H50 and 10 eps behind in Gokaiger. Obviously I need to make Jim Kirk have a shotgun wedding.

Today one of the ladies wanted to go get packed. This happens. What I do, in this situation, is first figure out where they want to go and why, and then I stage a one person play for their benefit, called "Your suitcase was packed up in moth balls and your offspring is airing it out. They'll bring it when it doesn't smell terrible any more, and help you get packed. And they have the tickets, so you can't very well go without them. Let's go get some pie while we wait. Do you like pie? I like pie."

For an encore, I gave a stirring performance of "Your car? OH, your car! Your son in law said to tell you he was getting the winter tires off and would bring it by after work. Noooo I don't know when he's going to be here. Men never are exact about anything, are they. It's because they're male, bless them, it can't be helped. Let's go get some pie while we wait. Do you like pie? I like pie." (Winter tires ©
waketosleep, who told me about the travails of getting hers off yesterday.)

Day before yesterday I think it was, I took one of the gentlemen down to get a blood draw. "Your wife and the doctor agreed you needed the blood drawn. I know you don't like it, but we're almost done. When we get back, we can have pie. Do you like pie? I like pie."

Do you like pie? I like pie.

work, pie

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