that was totally a typo up there, but it's cute so to hell with it.
I just went through and clicked on things that looked interesting -- if you're in HP fandom, today looks like fucking Christmas. There's a Nino/Jun fic but that's Not My Pairing, so didn't bother to read it.
Star Trek
There wasn't ANY real Kirk/Spock and very little gen (most of it was actually Jim/Bones or Uhura/Gaila, which, awesome, but Not My Pairings). If you're into the Spock/Uhura thing, you might enjoy a couple of them; there's one where Amanda meets Uhura that I didn't care enough about to save and summarize, but it's quite a competent little fic. And It's Surely to Their Credit (The Five By Five Friendship Remix) - Nyota wasn't planning on becoming friends with Kirk at all. A history of Handcrafts (Because a Sweater Equals Love) - Star Trek! Knitting! Two incredibly tasty tastes that taste so incredibly tasty together! Stars In My Pocket - Jim and Bones don't fit in at the Academy, but they do it together. Old Home Ground (the Now and Then Remix) - Winona can't be anywhere but the stars. HEY, non-crazy, non-abusive, non-terrible Winona! ... fuck you, fandom, this should not be an exciting rarity. Good Man (the Bad Day remix) - George takes the Kobayashi Maru, hooks up with a dude in a bar. (nota bene: this is technically incest) (I didn't think this or the original really counted because there was no parental relationship but you know. If That Sort of Thing bugs you, beware.)
Hawaii 5-0 Care and Feeding (the Stomach vs Heart remix) - Danny's ulcer is not actually named Steve. Random Acts of Gayness (The Impersonator Mambo Redub) - There's something wrong with Danny. Steve just can't figure out what. Mer's remixed fic! Not the one she wrote. The one that got remixed. Silence, it's been a long day.
....someone made Steve McGarrett a cutter. I'm not going to link, dudes, the pain ends with me.
Really, fandom? REALLY?
OTHER Of Twisted Ankles and Herbal Teas (god is a girl remix) - Mulan isn't settling down like her world thinks she should. (actual movie, not KH.) Haiku (Sabishii Overdub) - even if I wasn't bound in common politeness to say something nice about my remixee fic, this is actually ace! Kakashi watches over Team Seven, composes haiku in his head. The haiku is pretty good as well, which is saying something. Chosen One's Choice (You Were Meant For Me Eternal Dub) - the one lone and lonely entry for Kamen Rider fandoms. It's got Tendou being a creeper, which is what I like in a fic, not going to lie.
Anyway, recs I missed?