
Apr 23, 2011 13:52

Somehow I got Remix uploaded before 2359???

*falls over*

Hey, does anybody know if a) people are writing the fic about N and Player Character and b) if it is at all readable? My heart yearns for Touko to get on her giant dragon type, find N wherever he's sulking, deliver one stinging slap to the back of his head, and drag him back by his ear to learn to be a normal person.

Uhura wakes up. She's pretty sure she's dreaming, because Captain Spock is there, and so is the Captain - she always thinks of Captain Kirk that way, as if all other captains in Starfleet and the universe don't really count as real ones - and so is Scotty and Dr McCoy. So is herself, which makes her think it's a dream at first. That and the way everybody's in their twenties and thirties, and she remembers that straight haired phase she went through, and exactly what it did to her hair.

Then the pain comes crashing through and she hears Dr McCoy say, "This is going to sting, ma'am -"

She says, "Dr McCoy, I love you." before she faints.

So this is not her universe.

Spock is there, her own Spock, who has finally hit the age where Vulcans start showing their age, and he smiles at her with his eyes and says, "What a pleasure to see you again."

She's still pretty doped up. "Why does the Captain have blue eyes?" she demands.

Spock shrugs. "He says it's radiation from when he was born."

She sits up in the biobed, which is not like the ones from their own Enterprise, reaches over, and digs her hand into the heavy fabric of Spock's robe. "Begin at the beginning," she says.

The beginning is the cause of Uhura picturing smacking Spock upside the head so strongly that he actually winces and steps back, and the younger version - prowling through sickbay - turning around and looking extremely puzzled and annoyed. "What would have the Captain said about -" she begins in a hiss, remembers that the Captain would have said something to the extent of SIGN ME UP, and changes it abruptly to "What would have Dr McCoy said about that?"

"'Are you out of your Vulcan mind?'" says Spock, quite seriously, and then, "If I may continue?"

She sits back, but she says, "With all due respect, sir, you and the Captain are incorrigible."

twinks! in! spaaace, ficbits

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