no, really, one of these attributes would have been MORE than enough.

Jan 17, 2011 16:58

MEG: you know, I was down with this mpreg K/S fic for a while and then the OC came in who is a) half Vulcan b) half something else that is empathic so c) she has special telepathic powers and d) is pregnant with twins and e) IS MARRIED TO SYBOK and f) most infuriating, giving K/S relationship advice.
MEG: I mean, it was dumb but I was dealing with it
MER: I haven't seen a mary sue in the wild for quite a while
MEG: I can't lie, the married to Sybok part really got me
MEG: they can communicate planet to ship via their bond
MER: *marvels*

Not linking but it's on the first page of the K/S Archive, so I'm sure you'll figure out which one it is. Hell of it is that I actually enjoy mpreg fic if it's done well, and with Spock's Crazy Alien Biology, it could be awesome -- but this is total fangirl mpreg in all the ways that just fill you full of no. OH I FORGOT, SHE MADE CHAPEL A CREEPY STALKER. Plus she writes Scotty's accent out and has no idea how to write Scotty's accent out. Which also drives me crazy.


Why you gotta be this way, fandom? WHY?

About half way done with the Holden Shawlette (I finished up a one-row lace scarf with, I kid you not, an inch and half of yarn to spare -- I had to undo a row but it was totally worth it for the smug joy). I don't know why the hell it is but I'm always like, What a beautiful pattern! I should make this shit! and it always turns out to have huge mindnumbing stretches of stockingnette. Which by this time you would hope and expect I would know I loathe and should avoid, but I GUESS NOT.

Although I totally reached a zen place this afternoon on the bus. The 17 was on layover for like, ten minutes by the TriMet offices so I got four rows done, which are abouuut 120 stitches long right now.

RECODED: At Hollow Bastion. FUCKING BLOCK PUZZLES. Did pretty much complete getting all four bits of the Heartless symbol but it was 9pm so I quit for the night.

knitting, fandumb, random, rl, twinks! in! spaaace!

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