drabble meme fills 1

Oct 16, 2010 09:10

FIRST OFF: prompt from the Hawaii 5-0 kink meme, except not anon because fuck that shit, everybody knows my terrible taste anyway.


The first thing The Ex actually says in front of Steve is to Danny. "Oh my god, you didn't have enough trouble and danger and worry in your life, that you had to find more of it?"

Danny winces and frowns at her. "Rachael," he says, and Rachael says,

"Don't give me that, I knew you in junior high. I knew you when you were fluttering over quarterbacks."

"I was a quarterback," says Steve, a little dumbstruck.


Danny is kind of puce with what Steve can only suppose is rage and embarrassment. "Rachael Grace Brown," he mimics, "Did I do this to you in front of Stanley? Did I?"

"HA," says Rachael, pointing triumphantly at him. Then she turns to Steve and, with a smile that would not be out of place on a Great White, says, "If you hurt him, I will hurt you worse. If you hurt our daughter, you will die. Clear?"

"Crystal," says Steve, strangled, and then his brain catches up and Jesus mothering Christ 'did I do this to you in front of Stanley'? There's neon letters all across his vision like, HIS EX THINKS HE'S SERIOUS ABOUT YOU, MCGARRETT. HOLY FUCKING SHIT. HOLY FUCKING SHIT, HIS EX THINKS HE'S SERIOUS ABOUT YOU.

Rachael says, smiling less like a shark, "Good."

"Oh my god, I am going to die," realizes Danny out loud. "McGarrett -- you are not allowed to --"

"Don't be a pussy," advises Rachael, reaching out and hooking one hand through Steve's arm. "Come with me, Mr McGarrett -- can I call you Steve? Wonderful. Do you like pineapples?"

"Yes," says Steve.


The second time Steve wanders into the office with a t-shirt that is a delicate, faintly variegated shade of pink, Danny puts down his donutty-thing, clears his throat and says, "Did you buy that?"

Steve turns one of his vacant looks at him, the one that makes it really obvious that his formative years were spent with a bunch of dudes who spoke in grunts and punches. "Hmm?"

"Your shirt," says Danny.

"Oh. No, it turned pink." Steve thinks about it for a second. "After I washed it."

Danny begins to feel the slow, gentle build of a rage headache on the side of his face. "So in your Marines --"

"Navy," hisses Steve.

"-- they didn't teach you how to do, I don't mean to insult you, they didn't teach you basic living skills? Were you too busy learning how to kill people with your toes? Was that it? Were you thinking about your guns on the day they told you not to put red in with your whites? Is that it? IS IT?"

Steve stares at him.

"Well?" demands Danny.

"What do you mean, 'in with your whites'?" says Steve, with every appearance of honest curiosity.



"Fish pee in the ocean," says Danny flatly.

Everybody turns and stares at him. Kono opens her mouth, closes it again, and finally manages, "Come again?"

"Fish pee in the ocean. Fish shit in the ocean. People shit in the ocean too. I'm not going in there."

"Williams," begins Steve, very patiently.

"McGarrett," mocks Danny.

Steve shoves his hand through his hair, lets out an aggravated puff of air, and looks at Kono. She nods at him, serious, and Steve says, "I didn't want to do this, Williams."

"Do what?" says Danny suspiciously, just as Chin barrels into him like a bulldozer and carries him, screaming all the way, into the water. There's a godalmighty splash and then Danny rises from the water, murder in his eyes.

"Run?" says Kono.

"Run," agrees Steve.


Sherlock does his little reptilian head-tilt at John and says, "You seem to be taking this better than I posited."

John sighs, and says, "Well in all fairness, you don't often act like a human being, either." He stops for a minute, looks down at the green ichor oozing from the bullet wound in Sherlock's arm and adds, "Would have been nice to know about the blood type problem, mate."

"I will endeavour to keep that in mind," says Sherlock, earnestly.


He -- the thing -- the clone -- is lying in what is basically a big fancy jar, with tubes running to and from it. The only differences are the lack of scar tissue and the tattoo running up the side of his thigh, a barcode and letters and numbers. His eyes are closed, as if he's sleeping.

"What are our options, Mr Spock?" says Jim finally. He's seen pictures of himself asleep but he's sure he's never looked this peaceful. Too many nightmares.

Spock clears his throat. "I believe, sir, that the Betazoid embassy would be willing to give sanctuary to -- this being, but they are firm believers in the fraternal relationship between --"

"Yes," says Jim. "Even if the -- donor -- was not aware?"

"Yes, sir," says Spock. "Under Terran law, I believe this being is technically your property. Under Vulcan law -- perhaps the closest translation would be nephew, or son. In any case, if you should decide to cut off power to the --"

"No," says Jim quietly. He could see his other's eyes flickering. REM sleep. He is dreaming. "No, I won't kill him."

"My parents may be able to arrange care for him," says Spock. "Until he awakens."


Amanda doesn't really celebrate Halloween. It's an old holiday, and she enjoyed it as a child, but being so far from home and any traditional parts of it makes it difficult to celebrate properly. There's a sort of harvest festival on Vulcan (Vulcans, even now, are very, very grateful for a successful harvest) and so she imports small candies and gives them to the clan's children.

Spock's too dignified to dress up anyway, even as a baby.

Winona doesn't celebrate Halloween either, although Sam and Jim get costumes and driven around by Grandpa Ti and Granna Alice for candy. She celebrates the Day of the Dead instead, setting out a shrine for George and her mother and her lost crewmates. On November 2rd she and the boys go out with folded paper boats with candles inside, to the river, and light their visitors' path back.

meme, star trek, pineapple-infested hellhole, sherlock holmes bbc, hawaii five-o, twinks! in! spaaace!

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