Apr 08, 2010 08:17
Man, dudes, where is all the Pike/Kirk porno? It's like, mostly in Mirrorverse fic and while that's okay sometimes, there's only so much parent-kink fic you can read before you get to wonder wistfully if nobody but you wants to see Kirk look at Pike and think BREAK ME OFF A PIECE OF THAT SILVER FOX, GOD DAMN.
There's also not enough Pike/Spock in this universe, which is bizarre because even in TOS Spock's depressingly obvious crush on Pike was really, really depressingly obvious. Not that Spock himself would do anything about it, since Pike is His Superior Officer but if Pike had ever noticed his poignant yearning, well.
Which leads to the obvious solution in nuTrek, Pike/Kirk/Spock! Kirk has no sense of boundaries and/or shame, and he'd be like, Well, obviously you want to do him, and obviously I want to do him, so why don't we just gang up on him? And Spock would be like, horrifyingly, I find your argument logical. Forward, my captain!
And Pike, who has spent a lot of time pretending politely that his attractive cadets don't want to do him, for their eventual sanity and his current peace of mind, would be like ...what?
And the sandwich would be extremely tasty, I am just saying.
Which again is why nobody ever wants me in their fandoms. Sorry, dudes, I just can't take this shit seriously.
The Skif swatching thing was pretty fun last night, although I was the only person I knew there except for the actual workers. It was just pretty quiet and fun all around though. I still don't want to make a Skif but I lust desperately after the Habu linen lace yarn now, so I think they can count that one as a win =w= but it's like $4.50 an ounce so I doubt it will be mine any time in the near future. It is, however, very beautiful.
Finished one Turkish Bedsock, and exasperatingly enough the heel keeps slipping off, so I must have made it TOO long this time? I'll have to rip the toe back again, sigh.
twinks! in! spaaace!