adam lambreth, i love you dude but no more johnny cash PLEASE

Mar 11, 2010 13:14

when I got up this morning I started wiping off my glasses, as one does, and the damn things snapped in half.


Granted, I wear cheap reading glasses in lieu of finding someone who will take my hilariously complicated insurance, but that was the last thing I needed this morning. Also all the cheap reading glasses are like, well you know how Pinto apparently spends their life trying to find glasses so ugly nobody will find them sexually attractive, ever again? I guess they get them at Fred Meyers. I did find a pair that seems okay for long enough to see if anybody will take my insurance without making me pay up front (UHC, you suck) but uhhhhh.

On the bright side I got a really good raincoat and a good long knit skirt for a grand total of $8.25 at William Temple House! (It's on ... Glisan and 23rd or something like that? If you're by Blue Moon on NW 21 and walk up about a block past the Trader Joe's there.) They get a lot of the Nob Hill donations, so you can often find good quality donations there, plus they do colored tags sales. I found an old zipper clutch that fits Bones and his knit case perfectly for a quarter last week.

The dude beside me is intently watching anime and music vids on YouTube and taking notes. Guys, I don't even want to know.

Dude, Nino, the thing with wiping my nails down with polish remover worked really well! I'm just now getting chips and I've been wearing this color for three days.

Back to the nominal reason I'm here at the library -- war crimes books thankfully less help than first thought so am now researching more of the Irish Potato Famine thing instead. Which, while still depressing, at least does not feature news wire pictures of excavated mass graves. The problem I'm having with the concept of Tarsus IV is the fact that it's stated that they had some sort of blight in the first place. I suppose it's a matter of 'doomed to repeat history' when it comes down to it, but ... the entire food supply? How? Where was the balls-up that allowed an entire colony's food supply to die? Shouldn't they have had a more diverse range of food and seedstuffs? Even with a drought, wouldn't you be required to have emergency food stores? Plus other issues, such as allowing a dude who apparently thinks culling half the population is a viable survival technique to be in charge of a colony, that I cannot work out to my own satisfaction. =w=

Okay now to do actual work! I have until four because I'm getting my hair cut (I keep thinking of whacking it off again, but...) and then Knit Night. Remind me not to tell anybody about the terrible vision of the Enterprise's Stitch and Bitch I keep having.

star trek, research, rl, twinks! in! spaaace!

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