I can't find my mp3 player :(

Dec 16, 2009 19:18

got my work turkey today and I have to say I have never felt safer on the city streets. there's just something about having a 14 lb frozen bird in one's bag to hit a mugger with. I reckon if a mugger survives that being thrown at him like a shot put you've got bigger things to worry about.

went and got my hair cut too, no pictures even though the lady kindly and tediously blew it out straight. She apologized that there was still some curl left. I told her I was shocked she'd got it nearly straight at all. Of course five minutes outside and it was beginning to curl again.

Straight hair feels weird! Some of the instructors at AVEDA are beginning to recognize me -- well, one of them has shown like three different people how to do channel cuts on my hair, so not that much of a surprise.


The captain stared at him. "Did you just use air quotes? Who - oh my god, did Uhura teach you to use air quotes?"

"My mother frequently utilized them in debate," said Spock.

There was a long silence, broken only by the beeps of the bio-monitors. "No offense," said the captain finally, "and I hope your dad won't freak, but the first thing I'm going to do when I die horribly on an away mission is find your mom and beg to be her love slave."

Spock said, "That supposes your 'horrible death on an away mission', sir, and also, I fear Father would mind very much indeed."

"Maybe I can just feed her pomegranate seeds?" said the captain. "Waft a fan over her reclining figure? Strictly hands-off, I swear."

"I think it is time for you to rest, captain," said Spock, pressing the call button.

"I'm right here," said McCoy, appearing from around the corner.

"Bones," said the captain, "Bones, Bones, Bones, when I die can I be Amanda Grayson's astral love slave?"

"Jim, what have I told you about pain levels and that --"

"She used air quotes when she argued with Vulcans," said the captain.

Dr McCoy snapped his mouth shut, stood for a minute in apparent deep thought, and then said, "Two astral love slaves are better than one, I reckon."

"I bet Uhura would go for it," said the captain enthusiastically. "In a sarong. And Gaila, In one of those things." The captain's hands described a feminine figure in the air. "With the open sides, and the jingly things that do the thing when she dances --"

Spock had a horribly vivid mental picture of the 'thing' in question. It was little more than two brief, heavily embroidered pieces of silk held together by jeweled pins, and Lt Gaila had caused a riot on Cultural Awareness Day. Spock had been sent to politely request that she perhaps change into something slightly more suitable for the climate - the other professors had believed that he was immune to her pheromones. This was not quite true. Spock was merely allergic to them, and fond, in his own way, of Gaila.

"I ain't wearin' a loincloth," said Dr McCoy. "Not even in the afterlife."

"Nah," said the captain. "I'm thinking a suit and tie, or a dress shirt rolled up to the elbows and some slacks, you had half the quad drooling at you every time you wore that. Or maybe your Ole Miss shirt and your bumming-around jeans."

"Those jeans are not decent to wear in front of a lady!" said the doctor, flushing a little.

"I know," said the captain dreamily.

ficbits, twinks! in! spaaace!

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