god damn farmville

Nov 24, 2009 15:14

fuck I hate that game it ate all of yesterday orz

Went to Sanrio store and scored a super good haul on a grab bag - diaper bag that is perfectly fine as tote, lunch bag and also chococat trash bin! also a chococat patch and cell phone charm. o/ Amy brought home haul of khakis for work (for reasons which will be obvious after a moment's thought I have strong objections to buying first-hand khakis for $30 for my work. I mean. If I'm going to be cooing gently at someone that they're okay even whilst supporting them in their pantsless state from wheelchair to toilet, like hell I'm going to buy new ones) except didn't quite fit - and the ones that did were capris, which technically we aren't supposed to wear, but am going to save for summer.

Meg: I am considering a joke about the emergency kit Spock1 packed for Spock2, and the amount of coffee in it for Jim, and also the way that Jim clutches Spock's leg, very seriously, and wants to know if he'd ever been blown by a starship captain, and if not, would he like to be.
Siobhan: .... *CRACKS UP*
Siobhan: Spock2 would not know how to deal with that.
Siobhan: Spock1 would be amused, because Jim1 liked coffee, okay, but he'd never been quite THAT much of a whore for it.
Meg: well in jim's defense
Meg: they'd been living on replicator coffee for a month and Jim had been up all night
Meg: ther'es also a really good bottle of bourbon and a stuffed sehlat plushie that looks like I'Chaya
Meg: Spock's not questioning the last one.

... and then it devolved into Jim needing to be careful what he wishes for because now Bones and Spock are getting along all right. And playing Let's Tag Team The Captain.

So I have some questions from

...it's been two days, shut up, Farmville ate my head and today was uhhh workish. Nobody actually got body fluids on me, so I'm counting that as a win. God knows I'm ass at thinking up questions for other people but if you post a question I will attempt to be unlame and answer them.

1) Sadly, the first question is going to be: What can I offer you (fic,
cookies, mixtape, strippers) to persuade you that a sequel [to Graduate Vulcan] would be a
good idea?


actually My Ex's Next Wedding is set in the same timeline. Expect much, much more Spock mockery, Jim and Uhura being best girlfriends and also Bones hating his life. o/

2) How did you get sucked into Star Trek fandom? What was the tipping
point to start you writing for it?

... fucking NuTrek movie.

Seriously I don't usually go see movies in the theatre (cheap and also cheap also easily distracted and did I mention cheap?) but I dragged Amy along to a matinee and I just ... fell for it. There may have been hysterical flailing and Amy threatening to disown me in the nearly deserted theatre.

I mean, I'd watched TOS and TNG off and on (not so much TNG as mother disapproved of New Agey Themes) when I was growing up, and I was distantly aware that Kirk and Spock were considered pretty gay -- and then they stuck Pine and Quinto as Kirk and Spock and I was kind of gone.

3) What inspired you to choose your profession? I've been reading your lj
for a little while now and it sounds like it's very frustrating, but that
you enjoy it, too. What got you into the field in the first place?

Well, the answer I'd give in a job interview is that my mother was an LPN at a nursing home while I was growing up and we incidentally did a fair bit of volunteering at places - my grandparents' church had a thing where a group would go around and sing hymns and give a short service at nursing homes, and we were more or less frogmarched along. This did nothing but make me hate the smell of nursing homes, old urine and despair, waiting for death. (I work in an assisted living place, which is the next step up.) Then my immediate family lived with my grandparents while Grandpa was in the process of sloooowwwwwwllly dying of stubbornness which was super fun times. Somewhere along the way I got to realize I like working with older people and am good at it, and here I am!

... the actual answer is, about three years ago one of my friends got me to apply for the receptionist job at Our Eugene Location, then last December my sister lost her Living Alone privileges after a spectacular display of her epilepsy being a bitch, so I transfered to Our Portland Location and became a caregiver in lieu of other positions being open.

Also, eh, someone's got to do it and I really do like older people even if I spend a lot of times praying for the grace not to knock their dear revered heads against the wall.

4) Do you listen to music while you're writing, or while you're
processing? If so, did you have a playlist for 80/20 Theory? (Also bonus
question: what prompted you to use that title for that story?)

I do listen to music a lot! I don't remember any song in particular for 80/20 theory but I think I might have been listening to a Collin Raye song about a kid counting sheep, which I will upload eventually. The title, The 80/20 Theory As Applied To Cats on the Bed is ... uhhh well if you've ever shared a bed with a cat you know that the being with 20 percent of the mass gets 80 percent of the bed. As far as I can remember of my thought processes, it seemed to me that that had to be what sharing a bed with Jim Kirk must be like.

As for Graduate Vulcan, that was the working title - I usually name my fic files something dumb and memorable, or else things like krk - tendouangst112.rtf, and that happened to be the name I stuck in it. I asked Liz (
flamebyrd what I should name it, since obv I couldn't call it Graduate Vulcan for Fun and Profit, and she was like .... why not? So I did. I think the joke had something to do with the sort of books that say MAKE MACRAME POT HAMMOCKS FOR FUN AND PROFIT or such like, but again, my thought processes are mysterious at best.

I don't remember any particular song I had going for Graduate Vulcan, but once I got the draft of the (totally awesome) fanmix, I listened to that a lot. Mostly Inside Outside by The Grates although California On My Mind had a lot of play too. I have a sincerely weird collection of music, since most of them are collected off my flist and uhhh I like indie, Japanese pop of the most commercial variety, and old shit. One Week of Danger by The Virgins is totally Kirk attempting to convince Spock it's a good idea, though.

5) Is there a story (book, film, etc) that you loved experiencing, but
that you could never go back and rewatch/reread?

Hmm. See, with me, if I like something I want to rewatch/reread it, so if I only see it the once I wasn't that interested in it. Probably the short Japanese anime about the dude and the girl who are separated by time and space - she leaves on a mission to outer space and he stays on earth, uhhhh I think it's Hoshi no Koe. It's a beautiful, beautiful story and I saw it once and I was really touched, and have never watched it again.

mostly because it broke my heart, but you know.

OKAY NOW TO BED. I really hope the taxi comes, that is a hysterical phone call I don't care to make to work tomorrow morning. orz

meme, star trek, rl, twinks! in! spaaace!

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