sometimes it seems like I'm not a very nice person

Oct 28, 2009 14:18

But then again, since when did Spock need dignity? He can join Tendou and Satoshi huddled in the back of my head pretending he doesn't weep at night over the thought of what he's been reduced to.


Bones' ex is pretty obviously marrying 'up' this time around, if the lavishness of the setting and the expense of the clothing on the people drifting around is anything to go by. Personally Jim thinks it all smells a bit like new money to him -- and Kirks are old, old navy, and he can smell new money a mile away. It's a predation response, Grandpa Kirk had always said.

Spock, on the other hand, is as old money as it's possible to get without having participated in the sack of Rome -- and on Amanda's side, there's not much money, but Spock has to take off his socks to count the generations of scholars and teachers, so to hell with money. His nose is flaring out the tiniest, disgusted bit at the display of money to waste.

"Why have they hung the arbors with edibles?" demands Spock, and okay, maybe that had something to do with it too, thinks Jim, as he and Uhura hastily shepherd the herbivore away from the flower-stacked arches. Jim reaches behind him and collars Bones, even as Uhura and Spock have a hissed discussion in -- Romulan? Jim's kind of busy dragging Bones to tell -- about how the arbors symbolize fertility and money to waste and not, though it pains her to stop him, free salad bar.

Spock gives one last dubious look to the arbors but allows himself to be hustled toward the hotel. "But there's nasturiums," he says reasonably. "Even humans can eat those."

"Spock," says Uhura, who totally deserves a raise or a new wardrobe on Spock's credit, "Trust me, if you want to eat the flowers after the ceremony they'll probably let you if you ask nicely."

Spock stares at her, suspicion deep in his eyes. "What do they do with them?"

"Thro- Compost them, probably," says Jim.

"I'll pay you a bar of chocolate to catch and eat her bouquet," says Bones, and grunts a little as Jim 'accidentally' slams his elbow against his ribs.

ficbits, twinks! in! spaaace!

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