randomly I should not like Lady Gaga as much as I do but she's got so many fucking catchy songs TAT

Aug 07, 2009 11:44

Dear K/S Ladies,
Look, I seriously love you guys but could we please, just maybe, possibly have one fic where Spock does not go all woobie and call Jim t'hy'la? If we all try really hard and are very very brave and open to new things?

Dear Fandom, in General:
If you feel the need to use archaic English to express Old High Vulcan, I would deeply appreciate it if you would be so very kind as to make the fucking effort to research the god fucking damn bloody grammar.

'Thee' is not the same thing as 'thou'. Neither are the same as 'thy' or even 'thine', or yet 'ye'.


english nerd raised on the king james version of the bible

So yesterday I hit below 175 pounds after a meal! I am very excited and stuff. When I moved here in February I was closer to 190. Except now of course even the clothes that Amy gave me after she lost weight are verging on being too big and I can, in fact, kind of fit into a GAP twelve again. orz So sometime in the fairly near future we have to sit around and figure out which skirts fit which twin and pack up a whack of them for Goodwill/St Vincent/the shelter and then whine at someone for transport. =w= And then figure out how much clothing I have left. (Also eat buttered rice and drink cappuchinos.)

Okay, now I have the equally unattractive prospects of cleaning the living room, doing laundry, or typing in fic. Argh.

Also lol, Tri-Met has a twitter and they are following mine.

open letters, rl, twinks! in! spaaace!

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