i yet live

Jun 22, 2009 22:17

I really want to join the party and write Kirk/Spock from ST Reboot but I haven't seen the movie (either too broke, too tired, or the thought of going to a mall made me go under the bed and glare out, making ominous hissy noises like a tea kettle) and, well. I did force Becky to start playing Pokeymans! I am variously avenged!

In my defense, at least I could be relied on not to try to make Kirk and Spock Prime make whoopie. I mean, I'm as fond as Leonard Nimoy as anybody else, but ... ick? Also ... gross? Sorry dudes there is an age limit on people I am willing to imagine banging. It's bad enough we actually have a Jim in the Memory Care unit. (Basically, if I have been responsible for putting someone in their age group into jammies and tucking them into bed, my reaction is AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH.)

I want to write a series of fics called "Studies in Dropping the L-Bomb", where the entire point is someone tells someone else they love them and the other point is how to do it right. This is somewhat related to my desire to read K/S fic, and my hysterical conviction that if I take one step off the beaten path of my f-list, the first thing I will find is weepy uke Spock sobbing he's never felt this way before, Jim darling.

Don't lie. I know it's waiting for me. It's just waiting for the right moment to strike. I can sense it.

The point here being, it's hard to drop the L-bomb in any fic without coming across as a hack. This is possibly a thing to do with writing slash/yaoi, where you're trying to suggest manly, manly restraint, and partly just a thing about writing. I like it better when by the time someone drops the L-bomb into a conversation, it's kind of an obvious conclusion. It's hard to do, though - you have to build it up, and it's easier to have the words make up for the details. I mean, dudes on a bed gasping I love you - I love you!! are all very well and good, but there's not the payoff that really showing the audience that Party A is not just saying it to get Party B into the bed in the first place. I'd like to do Tendou/Kagami, Kirk/Spock (I desperately want Spock to drop the L-bomb and have Jim freak the fuck out at him and Spock point out that 'love' does not just mean 'I want to hammer you into the mattress like it's Pon Farr Week on Vulcan 24 Hour Adult Channel', but ... I dunno, dudes, I dunno), possibly SatDai or Donuts and, I dunno, someone from Gekirangers. Fukamicest or RioMele. Ideas?

Anyway, did caregiving this weekend, which was kind of fun actually. Last night I was sweeping up the dining room and one of the ladies wandered in and ended up helping me sweep up. By that I mean, she swept a tiny corner while I did the rest of the room and was happy as a clam. This particular resident sometimes gets aggressive, but she was in a good mood and there wasn't anybody else there, so I figured the worst that could happen was that she could get upset and whack me with the broom, and I'd have an embarrassing story at the ER. People like to feel useful, yeah? It's not something that goes away.

fandumb, meta

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