I still want a huuulllaaaa hoooop~~~~~~~~

Dec 25, 2008 22:12

Work was .... workish. I mean, we had four caregivers besides the n00b that went and walked out and the medaide was still walking on her burnt foot and I eventually convinced the resident that her son ... right, right, her brother ... had paid for her stay here through the New Year as an awesome present! We were cool!

....but really, what do you expect on Christmas?

Also I realized on the drive home that I had totally spaced out on taking my crazy pill. Oooops. I had the fun of driving home in pretty bad ice -- bad enough that I was not the only one going a pussy forty over the Willamette bridge -- but I got home safe, at least.

And apparently the cat decamped to the barn and refused to come back until bodily fished out. I think he's lurking under my bed right now.


  • ADDI 32" #5 LACE NEEDLE (This one surprised the hell out of me.)
  • money from Grandma, plus a candle that vaguely smells of dude perfume (it is supposed to smell like Snowy Woods)
  • 8G drive from Amy
  • One Yuletide fic about Walter and Una which I still need to respond to -- it's a good story although I was um a little surprised at the R rating. (This is because in my head they have one of those pure, lesbian loves like a schoolgirl fluffy romance. What do you mean, lesbian, you say. Dude, have you ever read Rilla of Ingleside? Walter is kind of. Not manly like unto the uke of a fluffy, angsty BL novel, I reply.) FYI in case you are like Ingrid and are frequently torn between "IT IS LMM FIC" and "AUGH SEXYTIMES".
  • One EXTRA Yuletide story involving Cain and his family Christmas which is without qualification crammed overflowing with awesome.
  • scent reed thingy, vanilla and amber flavor, which also smells vaguely of dude perfume.
  • random Mary Englebreit shiz
  • Mocha Roca
  • a mildly fucking awesome cup that plugs into your car electric outlet thingy so it stays warm all the way to work
  • $25 to Walmart ("You are much too picky about your jammies." "T3T")
  • $25 to Barnes and Noble
  • socks and verbana soap that I am not actually using at soap because it smells so nice. It is going to live in my yarn storage, where it will do some good.
  • Body butter stuff, amber flavor, which, guess what, smells vaguely of dude perfume (Mom says Cinnabar perfume, I say at least I didn't end up with a violent migraine, from family friends
  • fuzzy socks
  • Skien of Rowan Summer Tweed from neighbor, which also surprised the hell out of me. I said, Oh, where is that from? and Mom said, Laurie brought it for you because she thought you might like it, and I said, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Plus we actually had pizza so I did not actually have to pull out the protest pizza I'd bought. o/

MEG: Holy crap, mother, Addi Lace needle O___________O
MEG: And the carders?
MOM: I was in the store, and I heard these ladies talking about the Addi Lace needles
MOM: And one of them was like, They're so nice, I'm switching out all my needles for them!
MOM: And I thought, Yes! Meggy must have one of those! Our Meggy must have something nice!
CECIL: *looks between the two of us with an expression like O_____o*
MEG: It's Christmas, I'm letting her live.
MOM: ?
MEG: Seriously, wool carders AND the needle? [Addi Lace needles run .... ohhhh $15 a pop?] You didn't have to get me the Walmart card too.
MOM: Well I'd already bought the card. And when you called I had a flick card and a Turkish spindle. And I was going to get you a gift certificate.
MOM: And then I put them back and looked at the drum carders after I talked to you.
MEG: Ahahahaha NO.
MOM: It was a bit of a surprise.

And now, my friends, I must go back to lovingly putting a beeswax finish on my wool carders.
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