Ten random things about yourself.
10. I'm a chronic masturbator.
09. I've been composing music since before I was 8 years old.
08. I can't read sheet music.
07. I have a thing for midgets.
06. Loud and obnoxious noises excitement temporarily
05. I've stumped my own psychiatrist
04. The ten second rule when dropping food doesn't apply to me.
03. I love the word "spank".
02. I have a big vocabulary to make up for my little...hands and feet.
01. I can some how explains things I don't even understand.
Nine movies that you love. (in no specific order)
9. Braveheart
8. Lord of the Rings
7. Constantine
6. Spiderman
5. Superman (Chris Reeves, bitches!)
4. Batman Returns
3. Dodgeball
2. Anything the governor of California was in
1. Payback
Eight things that you hate.
8. Stupid people
7. Country music (except Johnny Cash)
6. Fundamentalists
5. Wine
4. Hypocrites
3. Hippies
2. Suck ups
1. Liars
Seven things you did today.
7. Woke up
6. Drank beers
5. Drank bourbon
4. Talked to a hot chick
3. Edited video
2. Introduced someone to Buddhism
1. Deleted porn
Six words you'd use to describe yourself.
6. Unique
5. Intelligent
4. Wise
3. Silly
2. Analytical
1. Tubby
Five things you are thinking now.
5. When's my video gonna finish uploading?
4. Nonprofit and my website
3. Dave Chapelle playing Bush Jr.
2. I want to teach someone something today
1. Have I masturbated today?
Four things you are waiting for.
4. Fucking video to finish uploading
3. School
2. Teleportation
1. My turn to be launched into space
Three things you regret.
3. Not staying in shape after returning from basic training
2. Not paying attention in math class
1. Pissing people off I care about
Two websites you often visit.
Armageddon Online1.
Wikipedia One thing that has changed your life forever.
1. Nervous breakdown