So, for once, I'm posting a 'meme' (stolen from
slut_harly) - Feel free to make use of it ... Just don't expect me to respond to it
If I were to show up at your house at 1 am, would you have sex with me?
1 = No
2 = Maybe
3 = Hell, yeah!
4 = Can you come sooner?
5 = Can you come later?
[Post this on your journal to see just how many people want you]
N.B. Do not include 'politics' (i.e. who I might be seeing, who you might be seeing) in your decision.
[Feel free to define "Sex" to include whatever kind of kinkiness our respective orientations might allow ]
I suppose, it should be a hidden answer poll really, but I don't have a paid account right now ... and I'm not actually posting this for the purposes of enquiry, I just thought you might all find it amusing
But, on the off-chance that someone might, for some bizarre reason, wish to declare their undying love/lust for me, I think it only prudent on this occasion to make all responses screened by default - I don't want a cat-fight breaking out on my LJ, ladies