Oct 05, 2005 16:50
OK here is my issue
i dont know whare i can get the REAL news. i just want to find a sourse SOMEWHERE thst just lays out the facts and does not give me some angle or instered opinion. how on earth are people suppoed to discover their own opinions if i can get the plaini facts!!!! AHHHH
so all this comes because im supped to write a short paper on mythoughts on the pivitization of social security. i dont really know how im supposed to do that when there is no place whare i can go to find out what its really MEANS the privitize social security. giving your opinion is all fine and good and i am interested to see what the views are on both sides, but for the love of god, i just want to get the FACTS down first
ugh aanyays
just wondering if there are any of you out there who know of places where i can get my news that does not have an agenda. ugh im so over this whole politics and economy thing. its the DEVIL
people are so gREEDY
especally the leaders of huge monopolizing coorperations ("i never knew they could be suc h a force for good in the world")
what if it were YoUR kid worling in that sweat shop, would you maybe reconsiter maxiizing your profits at the expense of human quality of life
ok rant over, im gunna go for a run or omething