Mar 03, 2004 17:20
You know, sometimes I think life is shitty. But, then I open my eyes and see the greater good in things.
You have to love introspection. It's wonderful. Last night was night two of this weeks practice. It went well, but, there is a song that I'm having trouble wrapping lyrics around, and keeping rhythm to.
It's starts off almost Deftones style, running 7ths', steady beat....then it goes into this 3/4 break into a 4/4 of blast beats for 2 measures, then blast grooves for 2 more measures, then into like a Norma Jean groove with the palm mute/augment switches..then back into the Deftone style's just hard as hell, but, it's fun; and I love it. If it was more chaotic I would swear it was Dillinger style...but it's still fairly tame...
Me and ma girl had a long discussion last night. We realized that we needed to talk more and that when you rest stress on your loved doesn't add to their's it actually helps take your mind off of your own....
We are sickeningly sweet still...and it's going on almost 4 months....that we've been seeing eachother...
I'm praying we get to feel this way's so much easier than the past. And she isn't fucking pushy like some girls I know thank God.
well...that's it...