If there's one thing I hate, it's when people make assumptions about me based on stereotypes. The gay thing is one that really pisses me off. Like when people assume that I have great fashion sense or have an extended knowledge of fine wines. Neither of which are true. I wear t-shirt and jeans every day and my knowledge of wines extends to about the point of what tastes the best to chug while also being the cheapest. (Wild Vines Strawberry White Zinfandel, my friends.)
Another that I've experienced recently is when I cook. I've never understood how people can mess up cooking. All you do is follow directions, it's not rocket science. Example: I made some corn pudding for Thanksgiving (which got rave reviews by the way--thanks,
volvita!) and people were saying that they didn't know I could cook. Comments like "Is there Top Ramen in this?" and "This must be a nice break from sandwiches" peppered the dinner conversation.
This all comes from the "single guy living on his own" stereotype. If I dropped everything right now, went to the finest cooking school the world has to offer, and then traveled around the world apprenticing under the best chefs, people would still assume that my diet consisted of macaroni and cheese and hot dogs.
I can cook. In fact, I'm very good at it. I've made a full Thanksgiving dinner when I was 11. This is something that comes easily and naturally to me. I just don't make Filet Mignon or Calamari on a daily basis because it's expensive or takes too long to cook. Sure, Hamburger Helper isn't gourmet, but it's done in like 15 minutes. I have better things to do than cook...like chug wine.