Oliver asked me the other day if I feel old... and now that I've
refected a bit, I would say yeah, and in the worst ways too; there is
alot of dying and ending go on around me. I spent Sunday at the nursing
home watching my family cope with a dying grandmother. Grandma's not
taking food and is slowly shutting down. I played with the nursing home
cat out in lobby, (she might have been the sweetest kitty I've ever
seen). Her leg was ran over by a car and was litterally as crooked as a
Z. She couldn't walk well but she was still so healty and adorable. I
want to take her home but then the ladies at the home would miss her.
The kitty reminded me so much of the Croocked man poem;
There was a crooked man
and he walked a crooked mile,
He found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile.
He bought a crooked cat,
which caught a crooked mouse.
And they all lived together
in a little crooked house
(my mom's fav. artist James Christiansen.)
She followed me into Grandma's room and jumped on the windowseal.
Grandma opened her eyes every once in a while to look at the cat. She
responded more to the cat then any of us. It was sweet and sad all in
the same. I tried not cry while I was there, it's like everyone is
relying on eachother to be strong, if one of us brakes, we all brake.
Dad had to put Sentry to sleep the day before we got the news about
Grandma. I think he's pretty torn up right now but he's good at hidding
it from me. Nothing can be done. :(
Gramps towing us.
We broke down on the way toTx 10 miles from my gramdpa's house. What
better place to brake down at, eh? He's a frigg'n genius when it comes
to trucks.
Setting up camp in the pitch black. I had to pee the whole time too.
Chad's young beauty, Mellisa.
left: dude, right: Chad. dude was out cold so Chad put this ugly mask on his head.
To the stockades boys!
The effigy before the burn went down.
9 hour of smoking the ham and 1/2 of it was thrown in the fire.
He was cute and resembled an old Kouga...kinda.... I had to.
ouch! Yeah swinging suspention.
left: dude on drugs.
Karma police is out to get you!
Chad gave me my "burn name"; Harajuku girl and Randy's Osama Bin-Randy.
A friendly bat.
Tthe chupacabra's tent.