Aug 20, 2005 21:37
It's been forever since I updated, and to be honest I am surprised I haven't been deleted yet. But since I haven't I figured I'd lay down some business cuz I don't need y'all to be in the dark.
You dig?
I've been promoted again. I am now a store manager for Starbucks Coffee Company. My store is located and Lincoln and Paulina which is a pretty righteous area of Chicago so that is definintely awesome. I am also currently listening to Iron Maiden which is also very awesome.
But I'm not posting to tell you how hard I am rocking. No instead I am posting to let you all know that I miss all of you very much. The most unfortunate thing about responsibility is that it leaves little time to be irresponsible. As a result I have unfortunately had to sacrifice some of the activities that I used to hold very dear (re:drinking a whole bunch all the time). What's more unfortunate is that this means I often cannot see the people who I like seeing (which is everyone) and instead have to do other things (like sleep).
But fuck do I miss everyone. Not just the people I used to see all the time, but also the people that I would randomly run into and talk to for just a few minutes. One of the sad tragedies of life is that eventually you reach a point where everyone you meet just seems like a dull shadow of someone you already know. It's only that much worse when you can't see those people who aren't the shadows anymore.
I suppose I could go on and on about all the people I have loved and lost, but what would be the point? What's more important is that those who are out there that I have lost touch with know that it is nothing personal, just situational. But we're all older and wiser now so I know everyone knows it's not personal... I just wish there was more time, and I had more energy.
Well if any of y'all want to reconnect you can find me at Lincoln and Paulina. Or get my number from somewhere or drop me a line and we can go get coffee or beers or even just sit around getting nothing. Whatever. Much love to you all.