sad, sad, sad :(

Nov 27, 2007 14:07

In case the subject didn't adequately convey the message, a really sad thing happened to me today. I went to volunteer at the preschool this morning, and I was waiting to catch the bus back to UW when I saw a dog wandering around near a coffee shop across the street. I didn't see a leash or an owner nearby, so I crossed and called to the dog. He came over, and he was wagging his tail and seemed really friendly, but then I noticed that he had a HUGE tumor/lump thingy on his side. It was seriously the size of a soccer ball. He had a collar with no tag, so I grabbed hold of the collar so he'd stay with me, and I took out my cell and called information, who connected me to animal control, and I told the animal control people that I'd found a sick dog but that he didn't seem dangerous. They said they'd be there ASAP, and I sat with the dog and petted him and talked to him until they got there. They put him in the back of their car and thanked me, and I asked if the dog would be put to sleep. They told me it would depend on whether or not they could find an owner, and whether or not the lump was malignant, but most likely yes. I almost started crying after the car drove away.
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