Mar 06, 2005 21:30
I think it's safe to say I've had a pretty great weekend! :o) Nancy's mama came in town and we hung out with her some. Man, I love parents!! I know that may sound weird ... but parents are cool! They make me realize that just because youre gettin older doesnt mean you have to ACT older ... its all about how you see yourself. Me ... I think I'll be a teenager my whole life! haha The big 2-0 is comin up in less than a week, which means im no longer gonna be a teenager. WHAT??? Where the heck has the time gone? I feel like I was in middle school just the other day .. now I've been moved outta my house for almost 2 years, I'm living in a different town ... and I'm gonna be 20?? Thats crazy talk if I've ever heard it! :o)
Anywho, so we watched some more Sex and the City Saturday. I absolutely adore that show! :o) I've become a Sex Addict (shhh ... dont tell anyone).
Went to church and then lunch this afternoon. Drew came over to do some laundry. He went muddin without me .. WTF?? :o( Tonight I watched Extreme Makeover Home Edition. I love that show!! Actually I think I just really like watching people get so happy over their new home. Its so touching! It's good to have a good hearted reality show out there that I can get addicted to.
Well, let the countdown begin! I'm so excited to go to New Orleans. I'm gonna get to spend some good quality time with my friends back home that I havent seen since like Christmas break. Lesley and Jodi ... if you read this ... IM SO EXCITED!! :o) And Kel .. I'm callin when I get to Nawlins so you best get that Frat of yours ready for us *WAR DAMN EAGLE*
OK .. one more thought then I'm done. Ya know what I kinda hate about moving away for school?? Leaving my home town and all my wonderful friends that I've grown up with!! Those are ppl that are gonna be there forever, which makes me smile. But it's still hard to not see them everyday. I really only get to see them over Christmas and Summer breaks and the occassional trip home. This year I get to see some over Spring Break too! YAY!! But ... it still sucks to see them so little.
But I'm not belittling my wonderful Otown peeps .. I LOVE yall too!! :o)
WOW ... ok, I'm really done. I gotta get this Chem lab finished so I can relax some before my Micro test. Have a wonderful week everyone!! I'm guessin its about Midterm time for most ... so GOOD LUCK!! :o)