Nov 22, 2010 12:17
Oh god this week is going to be intense
Need to write my week down so I don't do something stupid like FORGET
What was it? Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance. I like that, and I will apply it to my school stuff forever.
Monday (today):
-- do online exam for MC (don't do it now you dumbass wait until you have your book)
-- start on paper for ethics
-- write rough draft for MC final to email
-- work on missing spanish worksheets
-- go to work at 11:45 - 5:45,
-- work on ethics paper and missing spanish worksheets
-- write up extra credit spanish paper
-- go to spanish class and take vocab quiz
-- turn in ethics paper via online drop-box (skip this class? Is there class? find out today)
-- work out meeting schedule with Megan, hate on work for scheduling you on a wednesday (5:30?) it was RANDOM LUCK that my life drawing class isn't meeting this week
-- go to work
Thursday: go through hell I mean thanksgiving
Friday: work all day as pennance for taking thanksgiving off
weekend: teaching paper
Next week
-- go to elem at 8, get teacher to sign stuff
-- no teaching class, turn in paper NEXT monday
Wednesday: life drawing final and portfolio
Friday: spanish oral
there's more for next week, but seriously I need to get this week's stuff done first.
I also need to figure out how to send my SMJ package home (it will be large, I think) covertly without parental units seeing. How old am I again?
I just want to get everything together so I that I sell things all at once.