(no subject)

Mar 27, 2006 01:37

Goddamn, things have been going on lately. Firstly, my boss at GameStop offered me the 3rd key (manager) position. I told him I have to think about it, but I'm going to have to turn it down. Its only 20 to 30 hours a week and only 7.25 an hour. That's not enough to live off of and its too many hours to work another job into the equation. However, this is the first time in a long time my efforts have actually been recognized. When Kev told me, I want to cry and hug him, but I didn't think that would fly too well.

Also, last night was my first time in a strip club (not delivering a pizza). It was Sorg's birthday and we couldn't do paintball. I must say, though, I don't think strip clubs are for me. For me, without the personal connection, nudity isn't that exciting. I guess being moral and respectful is nothing to complain about, though. I do have to say it was an expirience (10xp) worth having. I would like to mention that while there I made a D&D reference, a FF7 reference, I was wearing my Jedi shirt (which made me infamous as "Jedi Knight Guy," but I'm pretty sure people were making fun of me, but who cares), and Putting on the Rirtz (as performed by They Might Be Giants) played as the girls stripped as I sang along (where one of my friends told me not to sing and leave the dancing to the girls). The shirt got a bigger reaction than I thought it would. Actually I didn't think anyone would care. However, all the strippers loved the shirt and everyone in our group was yelling at me for hogging all the attention of the strippers. Its nice to see strippers with a sense of humor.

And finally, after working 13 hours today (after getting 4 hours of sleep) I have reinjured my back to its full glory. So that means that tomorrow is lay down day! Hooray for Lay down day! It'll give me some time to put more gameplay on FF7 (which I've been replaying)

You will be a Notorious Criminal

Your fame will be gained through your unlawful deeds. You are very smart and will probably get away with it for a long time - if not forever. You are not evil, necessarily, but when you don’t agree with a law, you just ignore it.

Take this quiz at QuizGalaxy.com

I'm out yo.
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