Steam Power'd

Nov 15, 2005 11:07

Well, first off, today is the NGE in Star Wars Galaxies. Its gonna be done around 6, so hopefully, they'll let me start downloading the patch soon. For everyone, the NGE is "New Game Engine," so they're changing EVERYTHING! Before there were professions and you got 255 skill points to do with whatever you'd like. You could mix and match professions and individual skills. This is nice and unique, however, after 3 weeks of playing I've already gotten to the point were I have to play for a month to advance at all. The NGE does away with this system and makes you choose a class based off of the Star Wars movies. The classes are Bounty Hunter, Commando, Officer, Spy, Smuggler, Entertainer, Medic, Trader and Jedi. I'm excited about Jedi because that's what I was going for in the...uh.. OGE. Its not that big of a deal because I would've been starting the path to Jedi by the end of the week. At first I remembered the developers didn't want a million Jedi, and I found it ironic that you could choose Jedi as a starter class. Then I went to Dantooine (aparently the main hang out place for EVERYONE.) Everyone's already a jedi! lol!

In other news, I've been redeveloping my wrestler personality. I've adapted a Dusty Rhodes mic style, except takedn to an extreme. I plan on only making sense after a week of thought and contemplation. MEtaphors will be my friend. Also, I'm switching to a heavily based submission style. So I'm submission/brute/slammer. (AKA Ric Flair and Kane) And I've changed my theme music to Ace of Spades. I think it fits the persona a little better than viking death metal.

I'm out yo!
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