canada day long weekend..

Jul 05, 2006 10:19

so being in the city thursday..and morning of fridya was nice..
seeing my babies and my family...but things got complicated after a drunk call from grizz boy on thursday friday morning..i set back to squam to find out that he had left to freakin 100 mile house..wutever..

so saturday..i decided to have my own fun after work...
went with sarah to some random's house to drink..then off to the soo valley for my first whistler bush party..=) was supposedly one of their bigger ones..but from what other outdoors i had been was small..2 stages..kinda back to back..but good music..=)..

met tons of people..wandering around on a mission..going to a special rock spot..people climbing like monkeys under the bridge and falling into the was good..made me kinda miss the old days..haha..

got back to squam at 7am on sunday and slept so i could make it to work at 2pm that was shortest shift yet but felt like the longest shift ever..haha..jesse from the concierge was at work too and i had seen him hte night before..we spent the night talking since we were the only people in the store..

got home that night and started setting up my place cuz jess from work was crashing for the night due to late and early shifts in squam...grizz decided to come over cuz i think he thought i was having a guy over..wutever..he saw it was a girl and eventually left and me and her had a fun slumber party..

monday at work..HELL..HELL..i just remember it being hell..thankful for guide boy that day for helping me out when things got crazy cuz he happened to come in when things got super busy.. as hellish..kinda calm..but we need two people at the store..honestly..too hard for one person to be multitasking 7 things and talking on 2 different lines while helping guests do bike rentals..its good tho..met a lot more of our guides..=)
went to see sarah at rogers chocolate with ari afterwards..and went for sushi with ari and hailey..then found grizz boy and we all went to wild wood to meet kristy..who i haven't seen since school it was good..=)

got home and passed out..
i think i might get thursdya fridya off...or maybe fridya sunday off...or possibly just sunday..its been a busy hell week..i'm starting to get burnt out..these 10-11hr shifts of constant stress... phone is dead..charger in the city..sooo..when i do get a day off..i will go get it..haha..hopefully soon..i feel soo disconnected from the world but at least i know i won't be running up my phone bill.. to work..
i still need to tan!

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