Well, according to the newspaper, I should be about seven. [Dean sighs, his voice trails off thoughtfully.] Seven was a good year for me. I played doctor with a lot of girls...
[Focus, Dean.]
I don't know what's going on here, there wasn't any superflu where I'm from. I'd suggest burning the bodies, just in case, but...
[He trails off, snorting. There's bodies everywhere.]
I don't know how much we'll be able to scavange from this place, but at least the ammo hasn't expired. If the Crimson King really is douching around, we're gonna need it. Anyone else headed towards the hospital?
You've got pretty deep pockets on that coat, Jimmy. Fill 'em full of whatever you can get your hands on. Oh, and try to find some pie filling.
Lock to Sam
Sammy, are you seeing this? It's Kansas. I'd recognize it anywhere.