I got a puppy!!!!
Well ... kinda, I did.
My lovely
diabolic_fey got me Nintendogs as a Christmas present, which turned out to be a present tonight instead, to celebrate 8 absolutely fantastic months of being with one another! Having destroyed Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (which was absolutely awesome by the way!) I needed something new for my DS. Nintendogs ... Dachshund & Friends is just what the doctor ordered!
This game is already so much fun! nancy and I sat down, and went to the virtual kennel together and looked at all the dogs romping around, and in the end we'd decided to take home a Brown and White Beagle.
and his name is, Linus.
Isn't he adorable!?
Man alive, this game has reduced me to such a wimp, and it's not even real. It really is quite crazy how smart this game is. You literally have to use your voice to train the dog, call him, teach him tricks, ect. nancy tried to call him over and he wouldn't listen, it was rude, but neat. I'm sure she'll adopt her own doggie tomorrow. I've already thrown the ball for him, and he brings it back and drops it in my hand. Also, I brought home some blowing bubbles from the pet store, and check this shit okay, I had to actually blow at the DS for the bubbles to come out of the plastic ring, THE MACHINE CAN REGISTER THE WIND FROM YOUR MOUTH! THAT"S AWESOME! Seriously, this isn't some stupid trick either, it actually releases bubbles according to how hard you blow into it. Overall, I find this game to be very impressive and can't wait to spend more time with it really soon! Thank you sweetheart for such an awesome gift!
It's been 8 months with my wonderful woman, Nancy. I adore her, and I look forward to seeing her each and every day. It's been like this for a while now, but it's come to the point that if I don't see her, I don't feel complete. This isn't meant to sound like we are dependant on eachother's every breath or anything like that, it just means that I enjoy her energy being near mine, that I feel better and release better when she's around. I see so many wonderful things for us in the future. She has accepted me for everything I am, and everything I"m not. I love her with all my heart, and I feel so fortunate for each day I spend by her side. :)