I'll be auditioning gods in my office on Monday morning

Nov 11, 2005 02:52

So I went in for a Cardiac MRI at Stony Brook Hospital, and while I"m having my test done ...

someone breaks into the locker where my stuff is and stole my PSP.
yeah, it's gone.
i'm not very happy about it either.
so what do i do? i talk to the cops. i meet with patient/guest relations, and it does absolutely dick.
funny, just got a message on the machine reminding me that the hospital is not going to re-emburse me because they feel that they have taken the proper measures to seek out the missing item. case closed.
so what do i do? i go out and buy a Nintendo DS because, suddenly they are mad cheap.
i picked up Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow for it as well, and it's the freakin shit!
just like Symphony of the Night, only different. i love it!
i will replace my PSP because when it comes to video games, i spoil myself. i am going to persuade my dad to replace it for me as a combination Chrismas/Bithday gift because i'm going to exploit the fact that i know he'll do it. it's easy, requires little to no effort on his part, and it will make me happy.
i want to pick up Trauma Center for the DS because it looks like fun, and something i could totally get into. i'd like to be a digital surgeon.

i'm getting really excited for the holidays! i love going out and putting thought into gifts for the ones i love, and the general mood that seems to overcome most people in the few days before/during/and after christmas ... it usually lasts up until people have to go back to work after New Years. though, for the brief time it exists, it is quite nice.

so Nancy and i are regular Lost fans now. after watching the 1st season (thanks to Mish) we flew through the first 5 episodes of the 2nd season (also, thanks to Mish) and are now all caught up and in front of the TV at 9 o clock Wed. nights to see what happens next. good shit.

i'm gonna take this time to actually post about some ultra positive things going on in my life.

a. my stomach seems to be healing. it looks different, any kind of change is good. the medication they have me on seems to be closing up the fistula sites, but whether or not they are healing on the inside as well has yet to be detetmined. they could heal they wrong way and it will be emergency room and knifey time for old stevie boy! let's keep our fingers crossed kids!

b. i'd also like to take this time to state that despite all of my medical mayhem, despite having to live in the same house as my stepfather, i couldn't be happier. i love my little life. i love my girlfriend, i love watching our shows together till we fall asleep, i love stopping up at Blockbuster to chew the movie fat with Mish, i love tearing Scott to gay little pieces everyday on the internet while he's at work, i love partying with the people i love and am close to. i love that both of my parents and sister love me very much and support me. i love that people seem to want to put up with my shit, because in whatever way, it's worth it to them. i love petting the giant tommy cat, i love watching willow try to eat our hands under the blankets, i love trying to calm ginger down. i love falling asleep and waking up in the middle of the night to see nancy laying beside me, always with a smile on her face.

there are days when i'm in pain, and there are moments when i feel like nothing is wrong because of the people around me, and the way they make me feel.
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