Chris Boring, 1976-2005
For someone I'd never had the opprotunity to meet in person, the news of your sudden death sure has certainly taken it's toll on my brain. Chris was one of the very first people to be added to my list of friends on livejournal and MySpace. Now, while that might seem petty in the grand scheme of things, it was Chris who really used this opprotunity to build a great repore between us both. He was one of the few people on my list that I would truly say lived up to the title of "friend." He would always comment, he would give me critiques on my writing and artwork when no one else would bother, he would constatnly remind me that "I am the Man!" when in reference to the girls I had dated in the past few years. He was one of the first to recognize how happy i've been for the past 6 months in the relationship I am in now in particular. It makes me feel good to know that when he thought about me, he would have something positive to reflect on knowing that I was in the company of yet another awesome girl.
He supported my music, as rinky dink as the project may be at times, he was always willing to help me out. As soon as I got my Mac Mini, he was the first one to come rushing forward with music programs for me to steal from him. For me, he was just an all around friendly soul. I'm going to miss his incite into things going on in my life, I'm going to miss his comments on lj (The last time we'd crossed paths was particularly funny - The whole "It's ALWAYS too early for The Carpenters!" Classic. I'm glad to say that the last interation I'd had with him was in the form of a good joke.
It's nice to end things on a positive note where I take it we were both smiling.
Chris' positive energy will be returned to the earth, he will no doubt seek out the energy of his late Father soon after his departure, and he will remain here watching over us from a place only he knows about.
Rest in peace man.
You will be missed by many.