Feb 22, 2011 18:25
So I have successfully made it through today. But my gods... All day since I woke up, my brains screaming at me to have a smoke, which only lasts a few minutes but have that a dozen times during the day and I literally fell ill. If my two work smoke buddies were there I'm pretty damn sure I would have pinched a smoke of them... Lucky for me they are both on holiday til Monday.
Lucky again (for me) one of my off-siders has torn a ligament in his leg, and won't be back til Thursday which doubles my work load and in turn keeps me constantly busy. It seems if I were to quit, this is the perfect time. I reached about 1pm were I couldn't really preform any task without thinking 'I need a smoke'... and actually threw up (I don't know if this was the canteen food or constant worrying).
After that episode I figured I'd call my Mum. just to hear her voice and talk about family and even the bloody weather made me calm down. It's amazing what a phone call can do. Finally the worst part was about to come. Can I drive home without stopping by a service station or shopping center or bottle shop for some cigs.. To my surprise I made it home :3
I hope the worst is over and now all I have to do is ride out the twinges and shakes.
Thanks for all the kind words, I really appreciate it. It really makes me want to keep trying.