I just got another nice present!
Lauren was commenting yesterday that people at work like to give me presents. Partly this is because I am always there to save them when something goes horribly wrong, but the other reason has to do with my friendliness and willing to talk about just about anything.
So a coworker was going to Ireland for a few weeks with her teenage son and her husband. I started talking to her about the 400 year anniversary of the
Old Bushmill's Distillery and how exciting that was. She told me she not a whiskey drinker but I kept telling her stories about scotch whiskey, irish whisky, bushmills and so forth over lunch. By the end of it, she told me she was going to make time to get out the distillery if it was possible.
Well she got back today and told me that she had an absolutely fantastic time at the distillery, learned lots about whiskey and had a nice present to thank me with. I am now the proud own of some Bushmill's literature, a dark chocolate bar infused with Bushmill's whiskey, and a 50 ml 3 pack of Bushmill's whiskey.