I feel like a heel, or two...

Jun 01, 2009 19:12

Sometimes I wish I was not so stubborn. On Sunday I got it into my head that I was not only going to run in the San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon, but that I was going to finish all 26.2 miles no matter what.  Well, I did finish it, but the "no matter what" turned out to be my ability to walk.  I developed severe blood blisters on both of my feet, two of which encompassed the entirety of both of my heels.  K__ was kind enough to pick me up after the race. I would have been screwed without her help.

Today I had to go into the ER to have them treated, which included them chopping the first several layers off of my heels to let them heal and drain.  I was actually doing ok up to that point until she held up one of the skin flaps and showed it to me.  Really not something you ever want to see.  The doctor informed me it was like I had a really bad second degree burn on my heels.  I'm going to have to keep my feet wrapped and try to walk as little as possible for the next week. Unfortunately I can't miss work right now, as I have important meetings and new staff to train. On the bright side, the nice doctors prescribed me Vicodin. 

marathon, heels

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