Jul 25, 2012 14:24
It's very likely that you've encountered a splash page while online before. A website's splash page is like their front door. Not all websites have them but, when they do, they often have information and/or warnings and enter/exit links. Sites cam use them as loading pages as well.
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Comments 15
I realize it's irrational, haha. I think flash pages are the worst, though.
Although, re: warnings, it's less about telling someone who just landed on tightasianasses.com that they're in for, well, tight Asian ass as it is about legally covering the site owners' asses, whose actual, potentially non-Asian, tightness may vary. And most all porn-hosting sites say something to the effect of "Blah blah we have people boning back here so if you're not of legal age in your country you need to gtfo."
But then, there's the gray area of sites that could contain porn, but isn't exclusively porn. For instance, on the not-so-hardcore side of things, fanfic archival sites often have splashes that inform you that not all of the fic hosted is PG or lower, and you do run the risk of reading some graphic porn if you decide to view the site (and suck at paying ( ... )
As far as splash screens go, most of them annoy me. If it was cool looking and I only had to see it once, I wouldn't mind.
But on the other hand. I've been to some sites that splash pages that come up before every. Single. Page. That's just overkill, rather insulting now that I think about it, and I immediately go NOPENOPENOPE into space if it happens more than three times. Which is, distressingly enough, happens a lot of times. So basically I'm cool with splash pages. Just don't overuse them, site owners please thanks.
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