Supernatural 4x01 - Lazarus Rising

Sep 18, 2008 21:25


I have an announcement to make: Jensen Ackles is really hot (and bowlegged). Thank you so much, PTB, for having him pull his t-shirt up to show off his chest (and we could see the edge of his and Sam's matching tattoo!).

Aw, Bobby's about the closest thing Dean has to a father! This is the good thing about highly angsty storylines like this. There's a lot more emotion going around than there would be on a regular FOTW episode. I think that's why I've liked this whole "Dean goes to hell" storyline so much. I didn't think I would, but it dragged me in with all this unexpected stuff like emotion and character development.

Dean's Outdated Pop Culture Reference of the Week: "I should look like a Thriller video reject." There was a guy I went to college with who spent insane amounts of time perfecting his Michael Jackson impersonation. One year for Lip Sync he did a live action recreation of the music video for Smooth Criminal (with added moonwalk). Good times. This story has nothing to do with anything.

Oh god, Wedge Antilles! That is the best thing EVAR! When Dean gets to pick the fake names, they're hair metal band members, and when Sam picks the fake names he chooses (semi-)obscure Star Wars characters.

"Are you two, like, together?" Again I would just like to say, if this is Kripke's way of messing with us, he's welcome to keep doing it. And Sam keeping Dean's amulet and giving it back to him? Oh god they are so in love.

The, uh, "special effect" of the psychic's eyes burning out was, uh, really bad. Maybe not as bad as the burning Wendigo from the first season, but still. Their effects department must not be very good at burning effects. They should really have that worked out by now, you know, considering how many times they burn things on this show.

And speaking of bad effects? Sam's newfound ability to make people vomit demons out of themselves is in no way an improvement over the old "demon smoke shooting straight out of someone's mouth" effect.

I don't know if it's just that Sam is hiding his psychic powers and Ruby's continued presence from Dean, but he doesn't seem nearly as happy to have Dean around again as I'd expected. His reactions just seem a bit off. Maybe it's just me.

Castiel = holy tax accountant. Yes, exactly! I was just saying to my brother, right before Castiel's whole "I'm an angel, NO REALLY" spiel, that this show's mythology doesn't really have any good guys. (My brother's a theology major. He's always trying to apply actual theology to shows like Supernatural and Buffy/Angel. He has to be reminded that it's just a show, he should really just relax.) Anyway. So now they're acting like they're going to show good guys. I'm extremely skeptical. For one thing, no matter what Castiel has to say about his "true visage", an angel wouldn't burn people's eyes out. For another thing, Castiel claims to have come directly from God. It's one thing for the show to stomp all over Christianity's demon mythology (not that I care, I'm just saying, they're not exactly going for accuracy), but once they start messing with angels and *God*? It's way too easy to put a foot wrong and piss off a whole bunch of lucrative viewers. So that seems an unlikely road for them to take. Whether it turns out to be true or not, they better damn well explain where God and all his angels have been up to now, what with demons running around torturing people left and right. I mean, if the show never brought the subject up, they would probably just continue to get away with the hand-waving they've been doing. But if they're going to say that God and angels are actually active in the world on a regular basis, they're going to have to explain why we've seen hardly any evidence of that in the previous three seasons. (I can think of two times: the woman in Roadkill and the Apotheosis of John Winchester.) I'm not saying a show about gay demon-killing brothers on the freaking CW has to provide the answer to the Problem of Evil or anything like that. I'm just asking for some internal consistency here. If there are no good guys apart from humans, fine. But if there are, give me an explanation for them sitting on their hands all this time that doesn't consist of "we ran out of cool ideas for a season-long story arc, so we decided to go with this and hope like hell it worked".

ep_reviews, supernatural

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