I'm a little busy doing five thousand things at once, what with monitoring the Tour and the
mst3k friending meme, and I was sick all weekend and yesterday, but I'm going to try to finally get my Dark Knight review up.
acostilow, and I went Friday night.
So...wow. I *loved* this movie. I was almost expecting to be disappointed, because I'd built it up so much in my mind, but I wasn't, which was yay! \o/
Heath Ledger's Joker was *perfect*, everything I wanted in the Joker without knowing I wanted it, and I don't see how anyone could follow that. From the disappearing pencil right on through. His varying explanations for how he got his scars--I love how they start with the most horrifying explanation possible, and let you be horrified by it for awhile, thinking it explains why the Joker is *crazy*, then have him tell a completely different story the next time. Then after the initial shock of his "dad cut my face" story, you get the shock of realizing he fooled you, and you can't believe a word the Joker says. And then later when he's in the nurse dress with the "I believe in Harvey Dent" button--AWESOMELY CREEPY.
Another favorite moment: when the prisoner throws the ferry detonator out the window. I know, I know, cliched, but I still loved it. Though, you know, as far as the other ferry goes--I realize I'm completely weird and no one else was thinking this and it doesn't really matter anyway, but. On the other ferry, the one guy declares that he'll use the detonator, and then finds out he can't do it. And the whole time I'm thinking about the Milgram experiment and deciding there's no way he would have backed down after he'd got up and make a huge deal out of how he'd do what everyone else wanted to do. Again, I know, it doesn't matter, and I'm a huge geek, and I was thinking about the Milgram experiment during a Batman movie. Moving on.
I have other thoughts about, you know, the actual themes of the movie, but I can't remember them right now. I'll probably put them up after I see it again. Stuff about Batman wanting out, and Harvey Dent being the best of them, and the Joker wanting anarchy, and Batman not being the hero they want, but the hero they need, because he can do things others can't. Later.
Of the shallow, but absolutely necessary: Christian Bale is really hot in this movie.
I will be seeing this movie again as soon as possible. That is all.