Now, the dilemma: is it spoilery to use my America's Next Top Model tag for this entry? Sadly, I expect it is.
They have a weekly roommate meeting. That is so...Sheldon. And any changes in the TV schedule (other than breaking news) have to be preapproved at the weekly roommate meeting. And the whole strike thing? And the CLASS you can take to get strikes removed? God Sheldon. I love you and yet...I hate you passionately.
Howard and Raj's quest to find the Top Model house for the purpose of finding the next Mrs. Howard Wolowitz. Hee! The Neil Armstrong going to the moon metaphor works wonderfully. "And just like the moon landing, a large number of people won't believe it."
I love that Penny has their orders memorised. And they're all special orders, naturally.
acostilow, Sheldon's barbecue bacon cheeseburger, barbecue, bacon, and cheese on the side, sounds remarkably like the way you order. I'm just saying.
I wondered if Sheldon's mother was going to come into this at some point. The only one who can make Sheldon apologise.
They FOUND the HOUSE! And the only way they can think of to approach the women is the "fixing the cable" porn setup, naturally. And after all the work they put into finding the place, they hadn't gamed out what to do once they actually got there. Yep. That's Howard and Raj.