Aug 11, 2008 21:51
So this Saturday I got CPR/First Aid certified because I've always wanted to be prepared.
A long time ago I was eating with my dad at Disney Land or Universal Studios (I don't really remember) in California and I ordered the clam chowder, my dad ordered french fries. My dad was talking to me about something when he started coughing and coughing and coughing and then choking and then choking and I had no idea what to do and it scared the shit out of me. I was really young and it was something that kind of haunted me for a long time; enough so that I decided one day I would just get certified so that I wouldn't just stand around helpless. So Saturday morning I shuffled into the Red Cross building on 23rd and Chestnut and made out with manikin that was only a torso. IF ANY OF YOU ARE CHOKING OR GO UNCONSCIOUS PLEASE CALL ME AND I WILL RESCUE YOU.
OH WAIT!!! Does anyone know who Lem Burnham is?!
Well if you don't: Lem Burnham played defensive end for the Philadelphia Eagles from 1977-1981. So he was a part of the glory when the Eagles went to the Super Bowl in 1980. Well I totally met him today at a golf outing that my "non profit" organization had all day today. He was really really tall (6'4") and really really nice.
Oh also, I won a free iPhone in a raffle today...Whoa
So just to reiterate, if any of you are choking, or unconscious call me and I will save you (Except, of course, you Ben. I will just take out my pocket knife and cut you)