From LJ to Tumblr and back again to LJ.

Nov 08, 2013 17:31

I probably should relocate my Scandal squeeing from here to Tumblr but it still feels foreign for me there. Not like, you know, home, like it is here on LJ. Lol I'm not even sure how to make a post there. Reblog, yes, and I have clicked the "love" buttons, like, a hundred times. It makes me think of my early days on LJ, how nervous I was when I first posted my very first fannish ramblings.

New Scandal episode tonight. God, I'm scared to watch. Will this be It for them, The End? There has been near misses before - Amanda Tanner, Fitz killing Verna, Liv's fling with Jake, Fitz getting shot and I was so sure that he was going to be a changed person after, but they got through all that. But this? I just don't know. Fitz better has a good explaination, the truth and nothing but the truth, about the plane crash.

scandal, olitz, tv, i love olitz

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