Semi-deep thoughts

May 09, 2001 18:37

What terrible evilness I have been sucked into! Livejournal is worse than snood, because you can fool yourself into believing that you are learning about other people as well as yourself, AND you get to meet interesting new people that keep you online until 2 AM everyday.

Dear dear. Stupid HCA people haven't called yet. I left a message on my interviewer's phonemail.

My plants have become very upset with me. I killed my ivies and nancy's creeping fig. I believe they were yelling at me, "Hey, just because it's finals and you can neglect YOUR needs, doesn't mean you can ignore US."

Studied with Rosemary today, for three and a half hours. I am tired now, but know that I must write my paper. I am trying to stay off AIM as long as possible (mia is skeptical). I ought to have been writing my Islam paper last night, but elected to talk to Carrot Ears instead, as well as various other friends. Anthony and I had a big discussion about the nature of marriage and love. Being a boy, he thinks marriage is the scariest thing in the world (I should quote his discussion the other day about how you need to face your fears). We talked about human love too, which I said was a figment of our imaginations, and an attempt to alleviate the loneliness we feel due to separation from God. I don't know if I really believe that though. I think it was just more fun to play devil's advocate than to be all mushy and say, yes, love is wonderful adn necessary for marriage.

Also, I think arranged marriages work out better than marriages formed out of "love." I am very pessimistic about love right now. Half of all marriages end in divorce, or some ridiculous number like that. Whatever happened to until death do we part? Argh. I just don't get it. If I get married, dammit, I am NOT getting a divorce. It is detrimental to everyone, especially the children. Incidentally, if I get a civil union, I am not getting a divorce either.

Though i would like to be able to retire alone, live in a tiny cottage (or trailer, or whatever), live on the edge of a field, keep bees. Be happy. Talk to God all the time.

Maybe I DO want to be a nun.

How come someone does not tell you what your plans ought to be BEFORE high school, so you can spend the rest of your life working up to that?

I am SO putting off my Italian paper.

love, carrot ears, rosemary, nancy, italian, livejournal, anthony

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