On this perfect day, when nothing can go wrong...

Mar 04, 2002 19:48

Dude. I just slept for FIVE hours, through the afternoon, through Glee Club, through dinner. Apparently my alarm clock had no desire to awaken me. Or I turned it off in my sleep, or something. But I feel SO much better, and I was even having a pretty decent day before this.

Got to wake up after maybe three hours in my OWN BED and have toast and tea and strawberries and write an Italian essay in the blue station wagon in which my dad drove me back to school.

And I showed off my newly arranged room, and then printed four response papers after a brief tiff with my printer cable. Fortunately, I am a patient chica when I need to be.


I am fighting Italian class to the death. My dad bought me a book of the 200 most common Italian verbs, fully conjugated. And we are going to have buddies in Padova who are learning English, so we have to speak both languages and make up a project together. If I start that, I'll have to finish.

It occurred to me, recently, that I don't really care whether or not I fail a class. Failing doesn't matter. It affects my GPA. Big freaking deal. My GPA matters little if at all. I am here to learn, right? Yeah. So I'm gonna do that. The heck with what other people think of me, which come formally in the mode of grades.

Anyways. Lunch was weird, but we had baked potatoes, which I got to eat like an apple and everyone at my table made fun of me.

I wrote my report, then slept for the entire afternoon. I woke up and decided that I oughtn't go do kickboxing since a) I don't have any clean bras and it is a bad idea to kickbox without a bra, and b) I hadn't eaten yet and was not willing to faint only to be stepped on. So me and Em went to Davis and I had a chicken sandwich. And now I am here.

I am a happy layna.

I will beat this. I will beat the winter, I will beat the apathy, the hatred, the academic debt. And it will be okay.

I repeat: It will be okay.

No, even better than that. It is going to be a GOOD SEMESTER. So there. I am GOING to catch up. I am GOING to.

Liz Carr says every moment you can start over.

Repent, ye procrastinators, repent.

It will be a beautiful day from now until October. The darkness is passing by, the curse that settles upon my soul for half the year like Persephone's exile to the Underworld, is ending. Soon I shall enter once more the Elysian fields.

And I'll have you know that there are six kinds of flowers blooming in the rock garden.

class, depression, liz carr, suicide

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