(no subject)

Aug 16, 2012 14:15

So, I was kind of planning on having a kid by now.

We've done so much preparation! I've taken classes, hypnobirthing and yoga. I've been walking a lot and eating fruits and veggies and drinking lots of water. I've kept a pregnancy journal and spent lots of time with our two doctors and our doula. I've researched the natural/hippie version and the scientifically-backed-up version of pregnancy and parenting, and picked what seem to me the best of both worlds. I've met other new mommies in Seoul and joined a number of super-helpful facebook groups.

David's come with me to classes and doctor's appointments, researched the Korean sides of things, gotten me free iron supplements at the citizen's center, played the guitar and piano for the baby, ordered weird stuff that I requested on the internet, taken me out for pretty much every kind of food I requested, bought organic fruits veggies whenever I wanted them, no matter how expensive, and been generally supportive and awesome.

My family and friends have sent books and clothes and toys and necessities and love and support. My coworkers threw me an awesome baby shower.

David's family has rearranged all the furniture in their house and purchased an extra air conditioner so that we would be comfortable staying there for a couple weeks after our baby is born. His mom bought new blankets for both me and the baby. His family bought a lot of baby clothes for us, too. And I just found out that his father planted a blackberry bush and far too many tomatoes in his farm this year, just because I like them.

My body is ready, too. I won't go into the exciting details about how, but trust me, I'm ready to go.

So now everyone is just chilling, twiddling their thumbs, waiting for the kiddo to make his appearance. I kind of feel like I did when my friends and I went to Friendly's in high school. We'd get all psyched up to go, know exactly what we were going to order (Jill was the best at planning her meals beforehand), drive over, and....the waitress wouldn't show up to our table for twenty minutes!

There is construction going on in the apartment right below ours, that I was really hoping to escape as soon as possible. Today, they are just using ordinary drills instead of jackhammers, thank heavens. But that sure didn't stop them from turning off my water without notice...again.

Good thing I have all these relaxation scripts to listen to.


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