Bad Dream

Feb 28, 2012 03:59

I haven't had a dream this vivid for a long time, so I wanted to write it down before I forget it.

I had a dream that Seunghyun and I were, I THINK, visiting my family in the Boston area for some really important event, maybe a wedding or baptism. Something happy. It seemed that we lived somewhere nearby, but were in my hometown, which Seunghyun was fairly unfamiliar with. So, we were in his car, which was a convertible, and apparently newly acquired, and I was giving him directions everywhere.

Well, in my dream, we were at the shopping plaza near my parents' house (White City). I was trying to buy something like flower arrangements, and Seunghyun had to borrow a tux. It was a nice day, warm, partly cloudy. Seunghyun was telling me all the things he needed to get done that day, which I believe was a Saturday, and lamenting the fact that he probably wasn't going to be able to go to work that day, he'd probably have to work overtime the next day.

I didn't really mind this, because I knew wherever we were going, it was going to be important and worth it. But he must have been doing a lot of overtime already, because he was putting on his tux in the car, had his tux halfway buttoned-up, and then fell dead asleep in the driver's seat.

I knew we didn't have much time, and we had to get back on the road to do whatever the next errand was before going to the happy event, so I tried to wake him up. Five times. And he didn't move. Finally, I stood up behind him, in the backseat, and literally started backseat driving. I don't know how I was using the gas and brake pedals, but somehow it was kind of working. But it sure is annoying, steering over someone's sleeping body.

Then it started raining. Now, in real life, I have not driven in 5-6 years, and it seems I hadn't had much practice in my dreamworld either. So I knew I couldn't drive from the backseat during lousy weather. I managed to move Seunghyun (not sure if I convinced him to go take a nap somewhere or if he just switched to the backseat). I expressly did NOT tell him I was going to drive (pretty sure I didn't have insurance on the car, maybe not even a current license, and it was also his brand-new car). I just told him he needed to sleep for a while.

So sleep he did. And I drove. The wrong way.

You'd think I'd know my hometown pretty well, but apparently in my subconscious, there is a portal in my hometown that leads to Korea. So, I was in the right lane on the highway, when I needed to be in the middle lane to go where we needed to go next. The two right-most lanes went off into this terrifying forest road. If I'd been in the left-hand right lane, I would have been able to merge back onto the main road, but there was a ton of traffic, so I couldn't. It was also POURING by then (I'd closed the top of the convertible, so the car was ok, but it was still really dangerous driving).

So, I'm driving along this two-lane road, where there is almost nobody else, and the road is horrible, bumpy, cracked, unlit, and crossed every 500 meters or so by raised train tracks, which I had to slow way down for. And it was all one-way, with absolutely no turn-offs or side roads or hope of turning around.

Well, at that point, I must have entered the portal to Korea. Finally, after the third set of train tracks, I could barely see the road, so I pulled off, just onto some grass, and got out of the car to look at the road signs on the main road (which was running parallel to the road I was on, but there were I bunch of trees in the way, so I could not go back to it).

And suddenly, I hear this massive crash! There was a blue Seoul city bus, which had not been able to clear the last set of train tracks, and was teetering diagonally between the road and the trees. It had ALMOST hit our car, but stopped about two feet away.

I looked at the bus driver, who was Korean, and asked her, "Should I call 911?" She looked at me like I was an idiot and nodded yes. She had already called. The passengers were staggering out of the bus one by one. I don't know if any of them were seriously hurt. I don't think so, just some cuts from broken glass. But they all looked pretty terrified.

So I called 911. I always have trouble calling 911 (or 119, the Korean version) in dreams. I always have a phone, but I always misdial at least four or five times. Well, I got through, but the operator didn't speak English, so I had to try to explain the situation in Korean. Unfortunately, I had no idea, so I asked one of the passengers, who was, by coincidence, Baewon Lee, the guy who runs the Korean traditional music classes for foreigners. But he didn't know where we were either. All I knew was that the road led to Sinsa station, because that is what the highway sign was. (Sinsa station is in Seoul.)

Well, right about then, in the pouring rain, next to a massive bus accident, Seunghyun showed up. Not sure if he'd come from the car or if he had figured out what mistake I'd made and followed me there, but he was not happy. He asked me some really basic questions about what had happened and made sure I wasn't hurt, and then took over my 911 call, walking away while he was talking. It occurred to me that there was no way we were going to make the family event, but I was trying to focus on the fact that nobody had gotten hurt, and even our car was okay.

Baewon Lee asked me, "Is that your boyfriend?"

"It's my husband."

"He doesn't seem like he is very friendly to you."

"Well, I just stole his car, got lost, and got stuck next to a huge bus accident that is going to take hours to clear away. If I were him, I'd be pretty mad at me too."

And then I woke up.

dreams, david lee

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