(no subject)

May 18, 2011 00:53

Oh my gosh, I cannot believe how gorgeous it was today. I was bird-in-the-sky happy. My coworkers were like, Can you bottle some of that and give it to us? The English speech contest started today, and I was judging the first graders. Man, first graders are cute!

Also, the sun was shining, the temperature was about 75. The yellow dust from China was at record low levels (yay!) so I went out Children's Grand Park and ran/walked 5k.

I signed up for a 5k. A bunch of my coworkers are doing 5 or 10k, one or two are doing a half or full marathon.

Guys. My life, it is suddenly crazy and weird and I have developed this huge passion for being extremely healthy. I blame Michael Pollan.

I signed up for this six-week exercise and nutrition program, because I almost had a breakdown trying on wedding dresses at the wedding portrait studio a couple weeks ago. I just kept looking at myself in the mirror thinking, I do NOT want to look like this anymore!

I also signed up for a 5k. I have never been anything even resembling a runner. But, as my new coworker, Jenn, mentioned, I can always walk it if I can't run it.

But I want to run it.

The 5k is June 19th. Our wedding portrait session is June 18th.

It's crazy. I've always stressed the importance of intelligence and kindness over physical appearance. But it's about more than physical appearance, too. I'm tired of being sick all the time. I'm tired of snapping at David, for no reason other than, I had a lousy time shopping. He doesn't deserve that kind of crap from me. He works 14 hours a day and on the weekends does everything he can to take care of me.

He is jealous, though. I have all this time to improve myself, studying Korean and working out and time to cook healthy food. And David...works All The Time. He has to go on a weekend-long trip with his company this weekend. AND his favorite coworker, Noel, just put in his notice. Apparently Noel's wife is the biggest supporter of this decision.

But anyway...in addition to the 5k run/walk, I did another 35-minute killer painful workout, just this side of impossible.

I am supposed to log my food for four days. So I am going to start with today. I'm not allowed processed foods, refined sugar or corn syrup (hello deja vu), white carbs, excluding rice, thank heavens, carbs at dinner, or food less than 2 hours before bedtime. Since most of those are pretty much in the same direction I was heading anyway, I am pretty much okay with this nutrition plan.


Breakfast: two cups of yogurt, two cups of black coffee, and some random carrot sticks.

Lunch: White and brown rice, pork cutlet, seaweed soup, kimchi, and black beans. More coffee.

Dinner: Potatoes, carrots, and scallions stirfried with one egg, olive oil, black pepper, and Italian seasoning.


Breakfast: one piece of lettuce (I feed lettuce to my turtles every morning, but they only eat a little bit), kefir mixed with wheat flakes and honey. One cup of coffee.

Lunch: White and brown rice, vegetable soup, radish kimchi, tuna mixed with veggies. More coffee.

Dinner: tofu-veggie stirfry (peppers, potatoes, carrots, Korean squash, scallions). Sauce: soy sauce, hot pepper paste, honey, black pepper, sesame oil. Also, tea, and a million glasses of water.

I baked whole wheat almond-oatmeal-spice biscuits for breakfast tomorrow, too.

And now...it is time for bed.

Tomorrow, I will go swimming. And do some sort of cardio workout. And see Jiyoung! Hooray!

jiyoung, exercise, food, weddings, david lee

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