(no subject)

Jul 26, 2010 21:57

Lately I have been extremely moody. I snapped at one of my coworkers today for being late (AGAIN) with something that is extremely easy to finish. I was so so hungry, and I knew I would be able to leave at 8:30 instead of 9, because I taught intensive classes and therefore get to leave early.

But then I had to wait for him, so I had to wait an extra fifteen minutes.

And you know, fifteen minutes is not much, except when you are ravenous.

Lately I have been keeping track of my money. David is helping me figure out how to cut my spending, which is something really difficult for me to do. Apparently I spend too much money on taxis (!) and buying stuff for other people.

It's weird trusting someone else about money. I mean, we even have an investment fund together for our marriage/children/future. How weird is that? It almost seems easier to trust someone with your life than with your money.

This weekend I was planning to go to the Boryeong Mud Festival with two of my co-workers and possibly David, though he had 회식 on Friday so I knew he'd be out late and probably wouldn't be able to make it to the bus station at 7:30 AM on Saturday morning. Friday was Kelly's birthday, so we went out for drinks and I had live octopus for the first time. It was a lot like my bungee-jumping experience: I'm glad I can say I did it, but I wouldn't want to do it again. I don't even like cooked octopus that much.

But you know, people say it is supposed to make you strong, and I do actually feel much healthier now than I have for two weeks.

So. Mud Festival. I wasn't really that excited about going, because I strongly dislike mud. I like showering, and cleaning things, and organizing them. Mud is kind of contrary to all that. But, I said I'd go because it was Kelly's birthday weekend and David said he'd come too. But we didn't make reservations beforehand (David made some suggestions, but Kelly said she'd take care of it...and then didn't have time), so we just went to the bus terminal at 7:30 AM. Yeah, NO tickets. The earliest we would have been able to make it was 4:30 PM, and with no place to stay overnight, it didn't seem worth it.

So we went home. We tried going to the doctor again (I still felt like there was something weird wrong with me, and was having problems swallowing and still coughing for hours, and got a nosebleed), but he also thought I was a hypochondriac. Well, technically he said it was probably "stress." David took care of me impeccably. I think the nosebleed freaked him out. He cooked and cleaned all weekend.

Anyway, we went to Olympic Park and walked around there for a few hours. I think we circled the whole park (about 4-5 km) and worked out on all the outdoor exercise machines (which, let's be honest, is more like stretching, and watched families play badminton and soccer. And we took a nap on some stairs by one of the outdoor theaters. I love that Seoul is safe enough to do that. Seriously.

When it got dark, we went back home and David figured out that my TV has free on-Demand movies and recent episodes of TV shows, three free karaoke songs per day, and the game Go.

Who knew?

Sunday, we went to church together and then had lunch at his place. It was SO hot, but eventually we went to Yeouido (the island in the Han River) and went rollerblading and had ice cream and waded in the new swimming/splashing area. When I had visitors last year, the whole area was a giant pit of construction, but now it is really awesome.

Oh! Also on Sunday I had a great grocery store experience. I came in to buy a spinach side dish (so my nose wouldn't bleed again...the vitamin K helps), and had this great, completely mistake-free Korean discussion with the side dish ladies about vegetables. I ended up getting something that had no spinach, but was similar and almost certainly has a fair amount of vitamin K.

And later David gave me 10,000 won and sent me on a fruit-buying mission, which was fun, and so we had kiwis and plums after dinner.

Today we started intensive classes. Kelly is my co-teacher, which is great.

I think I shall have to do a better job packing lunch/dinner/snacks. Eleven hours is a long time.

david, money, nosebleeds, kelly, readingtown

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