(no subject)

Oct 14, 2009 12:30

So, here's my problem lately: Korean class every morning is extremely exhausting. It's worth it, most of the time, but I can get very very behind on things like sleep and chores. So sometimes I do not go to class. You would think this would be a problem, but unfortunately skipping class is extremely rewarding. Last week, I skipped class one day and slept for fourteen hours. And then I felt better. Today I skipped class and did a million chores (washed dishes, cleaned the turtle tank, washed the whole bathroom, cleaned the floors in my studio, bathroom, and balcony, did laundry, and made chicken stew for the next three days). So...that is a bad thing, right? I am not really being punished for skipping class.

But on the other hand, maybe it's just one of those real-life compromises, ways to find balance in life. Sometimes I can't study because you have to do your laundry. But, I am wicked behind on my homework. I guess another thing is, I know I am gonna retake this level, because there is so much I haven't absorbed. And I think I would probably have to retake it even if I did all my homework on time and went to every class. It's tough, man.

Ah well.

I gotta stop reading vampire books, they are messing with my conception of reality. Not that I think there are vampires or werewolves chilling in Seoul Forest, it's more like I have this skewed perception of what love is supposed to be like. Can somebody recommend slightly more realistic fiction books for me? Preferably popular ones, it's almost impossible to get non-bestsellers in Korea.


love, cleaning, books, korean

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